I am moving my blog to SubStack. If you are a real person that visits this site (and I don’t imagine that there are many of you out there), I invite you to Subscribe to my SubStack newsletter/site.

I’m giving myself 6 months to continue extracting myself from the sites and technologies that aren’t adding to the quality of my life, personally and creatively.

To be honest, Substack is more fun and more interesting. I thank Ellen Kushner for leading the way… you can check out her SubStack, “Ellen Kushner’s Bad Advice” and, if you like it, subscribe! If you’ve been getting tired of IG, FB, Twitter, etc., I think you’ll find the community at SubStack refreshing. I will likely create a list of other folks who create wonderful content and have that on my site.

You can also use this QR code:

My reasons for leaving this site after so many years? The expense and the worry of having a website that is constantly under attack from the bots and people that generate malware, hacking and other malevolent activities is exhausting—and expensive. If all that energy and ingenuity went into something positive, we’d likely have solved at least half of the world’s problems. But, nooooo, much more “fun” to make someone else’s life complicated and draining. (I don’t usually drip with sarcasm but it’s what all of that interference generates.)

I do want to thank the folks at Dreamhost, though. They have been great at helping me keep things clean and functioning. But in the end, I don’t (and never intended to) generate any revenue from this blog to offset the expense. It began as a home for things my students and colleagues could find and use. Since we moved to Ireland, it has largely been a way to keep friends and family up to date and to have a place to mark the events and rhythms of my life and interests. I resent giving “bad actors” a landing spot for their dastardly deeds and those frustrations take away from my joy in writing and making.

And that’s what this move is all about—bringing that joy back more fully into my life.

Enough said. All my posts and pages on this site have been moved, I’ve now left a forwarding address. In 6 months, I will point my domain name to the “new home” for my musings and photos. I’m putting it in my calendar 🙂

Hope you all find safe harbor and soft landings.